Fee: $329 Double / $85 Single This Tour Includes: Coach Bus transportation 1 Night Stay at Essenhaus Shipshewana Flea Market Amish Cinnamon Roll Demo (you`ll even get the recipe) 2 Meat Thresher Dinner with an Amish Family A chance to learn the secrets of Yoder Homestyle Cooking
Members Free / Non-members $3 fee
Reserve your meal by calling 815-787-6219 ext. 2. The VAC congregate lunch program is donation based. Suggested lunch donation of $4.00. Lunch is available to all seniors regardless of their inability to contribute towards the cost of their lunch.
Requires $7.00 fee.
Reserve your meal by calling 815-787-6219 ext. 2. The VAC congregate lunch program is donation based. Suggested lunch donation of $4.00. Lunch is available to all seniors regardless of their inability to contribute towards the cost of their lunch.