Event Series Lunch


Fox Valley Community Services (Sandwich) 1406 Suydam Rd, Sandwich, IL, United States

Reserve your meal by calling 815-787-6219 ext. 2. The VAC congregate lunch program is donation based. Suggested lunch donation of $4.00. Lunch is available to all seniors regardless of their inability to contribute towards the cost of their lunch.

Event Series Yoga


Fox Valley Community Services (Sandwich) 1406 Suydam Rd, Sandwich, IL, United States
Event Series Lunch


Fox Valley Community Services (Sandwich) 1406 Suydam Rd, Sandwich, IL, United States

Reserve your meal by calling 815-787-6219 ext. 2. The VAC congregate lunch program is donation based. Suggested lunch donation of $4.00. Lunch is available to all seniors regardless of their inability to contribute towards the cost of their lunch.

Event Series Bunko


Fox Valley Community Services (Sandwich) 1406 Suydam Rd, Sandwich, IL, United States

Requires $2.00 fee.


St. Patrick`s Day Party

Fox Valley Community Services (Sandwich) 1406 Suydam Rd, Sandwich, IL, United States

 Get ready to sham-rock with us! #FVCS and the Voluntary Action Center of Northern Illinois are thrilled to invite you to our St. Patrick's Day Party on March 13th!   Lunch begins at 11:30 AM with a delectably festive menu. It is a suggested donation of $6 to partake in the feast that’s sure to be as good as gold! […]
